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Directorate of Education

The Directorate of Education, within the competences, authorizations and legal responsibilities, the administrative instructions of MEST, the Statute of the Municipality, and the strategic policies of the Mayor in the field of its activity, is competent and has the responsibility for managing and coordinating the structure of pre-primary, primary and secondary public education (0,1,2,3) in the Municipality of Prishtina;

Manages and coordinates the licensing process of any pre-university public-educational institution in accordance with applicable laws and the MEST and municipality’s strategy;

Cooperates with the Human Resources Sector in the process of employing teachers and other staff (assistants and supporters), in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and sub-legal acts of the municipality;

Cooperates with the Human Resources Sector in the selection process of directors and deputy directors of public and pre-primary, primary and secondary education institutions (0,1,2,3), in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;

In accordance with the legal acts in force and in cooperation with the Salary Sector manages the payment process of active educational staff and other professional and support staff in the educational institutions of the Municipality.

In accordance with applicable legal and sub-legal acts, it plans and supervises the implementation of strategies for pre-primary, primary and secondary education in the Municipality of Prishtina;

Supervises educational institutions and assesses the performance of all employees of the directorate and heads of educational institutions at the municipal level;

Records and accepts students in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination of all forms;

Records all student records, stores and archives files of educational staff and management body in accordance with laws, procedures and forms of MEST;

Encourages and promotes opportunities to attend pre-school education, primary and secondary education under conditions of full equality for all;

Constrates and identifies the needs for continuous professional upgrading of directors and active education staff, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and the real budget possibilities for them;

Organizes trainings for teachers and other professional staff;

Drafts, proposes and approves working regulations for schools at all levels, under the competence of the municipality, including the Code of Conduct for lead staff, teachers, students and other supporting staff ;

Decides on appeals against decisions of school directors at all pre-university levels in the Municipality;

Monitors and oversees the decisions of school principals at all levels;

Monitors all revenues and expenditures of the Directorate of Education of the Municipality of Prishtina, as budget organization;

Monitors budget expenditures by requesting periodic reports from schools;

Drafts the procurement plan for the functional needs of the Directorate of Education;

In accordance with the legal acts in force, participates in the procurement procedures proposed by the Directorate of Education until the evaluation of the bids (at least one member in the commission for the final evaluation of bids);

In consultation with school principals and school management councils adopt regulations on behavior and discipline of students;

In agreement with MEST , constrates and identifies as well as proposes the decision to establish, extinguish, divide or close the public school institutions of the levels 0,1,2 and 3 in the Municipality of Prishtina;

Encourages, assists and initiates co-operation between parents, students and teachers in order to increase the quality of teaching and learning, in the schools, that are managed and supervised (public schools).

Organizes and encourages the organization of various scholarship competitions between schools, natural and human sciences subjects and allocates rewards and gratitude to the well-deserved students and employees;

Cares for the maintenance and renovation of school objects and equipment of educational institutions, with public funds.

Cares, initiates and organizes the creation of necessary services for students and their wellbeing (water, bathroom facilities, health services, daily meals, etc.

Cares for the maintenance of surrounding school environments by promoting their greening;

Proposes and initiates inter-municipal cooperation in the field of education;

Cooperates with NGOs ,civil society as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations in order to attract donations in the interest of public schools of all pre-university levels in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning;

To achieve public health objectives, carries out activities and develops joint programs with MEST and schools to promote health care and avoid contagious illnesses and emerging phenomena ;

Supports the education of children with special needs , in accordance with their specific measure and needs;

Performs other work, in accordance with applicable laws within the area of ​​activity of the Directorate


For the purpose of exercising the functions defined by the legal provisions in force, the Directorate of Education is organized in the following sector:

1. Education Sector.

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