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Dr. Izet Sadiku was born in Hajvali, Municipality of Prishtina, on June 10, 1968.

Dr. Sadiku completed his university studies in General Medicine and Master’s Degree in Infectious Diseases at the University of Prishtina. Whereas, he completed doctoral studies at University of Medical Sciences in Tirana, with the Topic on “Characteristics of the clinic, laboratory, diagnosis, and treatment of Tularemia disease in Kosovo during the years 2006-2011”.

Dr. Izet Sadiku specialized in the management of infectious diseases.

He was a member of the Assembly of the Municipality of Prishtina and Chairman of the Committee on Health and Social Welfare during the period 2002-2007.

From 2003, dr. Izet Sadiku has served as a Coordinator of activities for counseling and voluntary testing for HIV.

In 2005, he was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister’s first political advisor on health and education, and in 2008, as a first political adviser to the Minister of Local Government.

Since 2009, he has been working as a part-time assistant at the University of Prishtina, in the subject of Infectious Diseases.

Mr. Sadiku was the Head of the Infectious Disease Control Team in 2012-2020.

From 2013 to 2019, he was Chief of the Intra-Hospital Infection Control Team.

He has lectured at “Rezonanca” and “AAB” college since 2015, on the subject of infectious diseases.

From early 2015, Dr. Izet Sadiku served as political advisor to the Minister of Health.

He held the position of Deputy Minister of Health from 2015 to 2017, and from March to June 2020.

He was a consultant to the World Health Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic from August to December 2020.

He was the Director of the Infectious Disease Clinic from March-June 2021.

He has been a member of the Youth Forum Council Since 1991. From 1997 to 2001 Mr. Sadiku was member of the Presidency and Vice-President of the Youth Forum of LDK.

He was a KLA member at ZOLL and is a KLA veteran. He was imprisoned by Serb forces on 21 May to 3 November 1999.

From 2019, he is Chairman of the 5th Branch of the LDK, and a member of the General Council of the LDK.

Dr. Izet Sadiku is the Coordinator of the Health Department.

In the last local elections, he was elected to the Prishtina Municipal Assembly.

He is currently the Director of the Health Directory in the Municipality of Prishtina.



Tel: 038/233-575


Directorate of Health and Social Welfare, in accordance with the legal provisions in force, and based on the Strategic and Political Guidelines of the Mayor ,within the scope of its activity, exercises and is responsible for undertaking specific measures and activities to achieve the health and social objectives of the Municipality of Prishtina;

Assesses local health needs;

Drafts the budget in accordance with the local needs and legal provisions in force;

Implement primary health care by giving priority to the implementation of preventive measures, through the implementation of the concept of family medicine;

Adopts norms and standards of infrastructure and human resources according to legal acts adopted by MSH and MPMS;

Decides and takes the payments within the frame declared by the ministry .

Determines local priorities and objectives based on information, in accordance with the primary health care strategy;

Provides social services and care, for social cases of the population within the territory of the municipality;

Cares for the right of having, developing and using the property, for the purpose of providing social housing for persons within the territory of the municipality;

Cooperates with relevant ministries for the establishment and implementation of health and social protection policies, for the categories of vulnerable children, and all other vulnerable groups at the local level through the CSW;
Exercises other competencies and responsibilities that derive from the special laws, the Statute of the Municipality, subordinate legal acts delegated by the central government;

Supervises the epidemiological situation at the municipal level;

Collects and analyzes information in the health and social field at the local level;

Coordinates and supervises the work of QKMF, QMF and health ambulances;

Organizes awareness campaigns with governmental and non-governmental organizations and drafts cooperation agreements in the field of health and social affairs;

Coordinates and supervises the work of Social Work Center;

Reports on the provision of health and social services and municipal achievements in this area;

Proposes the level of rent and the establishment of the level of release from payment of rent for premises in ownership;

Drafts proposals for exemptions from services to citizens, if the schemes are based on the criteria of the open target to the public and in accordance with the applicable law;

Identifies the nature and extent of the need for social and family services within the territory of the municipality;

Prepares annual plans for the development and promotion of social and family services and maintains statistical data;

Cares for providing shelter for homeless;

Undertakes actions to provide sufficient funds for the continuous professional upgrading of health and social professionals through specific training, in accordance with applicable legal acts

Cares about the public health system through family medicine services and tracks the health status of citizens in the territory of the municipality;

Drafts the primary health care strategy based on identified needs at the local level, prioritizing preventive measures, and respecting the health status, age, sex and the economic and social position of citizens and the conditions and opportunities in providing healthcare; technological and medical conditions, distance and geographic configuration, as well as the structure and composition of primary health care institutions;

Takes preventive measures for early detection and diagnosis, treatment, healing and rehabilitation of diseases, disorders and injuries, including minor surgical interventions;

Organizes and implements the immunization process, in accordance with the legislation in force, as one of the basic measures of public health care;

Takes care of the advancement of the health of children, youth and other vulnerable groups;

Takes care of the progress of reproductive health;

Promotes oral health and basic dental care as well as mental health, in accordance with advanced methods;

It cares for the preservation and promotion of the public health of the citizens of the municipality, through preventive activities, such as: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, health education, undertaking of general measures against epidemics and prevention, such as: spatial disinsectisation, deratization and disinfection, controlling the environment, controlling the cause, as well as the prevention of diseases, disorders, injuries and conditions of medical social significance;

Develops vocational training programs for health workers through “Continuous Professional Development” in order to increase the quality of health care

Cooperates with secondary and tertiary health care, in accordance with the legislation in force;

Ensures the provision of social and family services within the territory of the municipality, according to standards set by the ministries ;

Assesses the family needs at the municipal level, and monitors the social situation in the territory of the municipality;

Takes care of providing social assistance and social assistance services to families ,in accordance with the legislation in force;

Ensures qualitative socio-household services for vulnerable categories of the population and those protected by law

Provides social and family services within the territory of the municipality through activities of the Center for Social Work ,or provides funding or any other material assistance to non-governmental organizations involved in this activity;

Cooperates with local and international partners to strengthen human capacities and improve the quality of socio-household services;

Cooperates with ministries for the provision, distribution and maintenance of statistics, information and confidentiality of families receiving social and family services, according to the legislation in force;

Provides optimal funding for continuous training of social professionals in order to enhance services.

Performs other work, in accordance with the applicable laws within the activity area of the Directorate.

For the purpose of exercising the functions defined by the legal provisions in force, the Directorate of Health and Social Welfare is organized in these sectors:
1. Health Sector;
2. Sector for Social Welfare.





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